Nutritional status of post-confinement college students
nutritional status, college students, weigh, post-confinementAbstract
In the university stage, students present different changes in their lifestyles, at the same time that they can be affected by a change in their nutritional status due to various factors, even more so when they return to on-site classes after the confinement caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic. The change in nutritional status leads to a health risk, for
this reason it is important to conduct studies on the health status of post-confinement students. This research makes a cross-sectional descriptive study of the nutritional status of the entire population of third cycle students of the Biochemistry and Pharmacy career of the Catholic University of Cuenca, in the study period immediately after the confinement caused by the pandemic (April - September 2022), with the objective of analyzing the nutritional status of post-confinement students. The results indicate that there are a high percentage of overweight and obese students, which implies health risks, a situation that should be improved according to the nutritional parameters established by international organizations such as the “World Health Organization”, the “Pan American Health Organization” and the “United Nations”.
Keywords: Nutritional status; weight; college students; post-confinement
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