Knowledge, attitudes, and acceptability of the human papillomavirus vaccine




acceptability, gynecology, vaccines, HPV


The vaccine against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has been shown to be an essential component in the prevention of cervical cancer, which is among the most prevalent types of cancer today. The objective of this study was to identify the knowledge, attitudes and acceptability of the human papillomavirus vaccine, through an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study whose universe was made up of 131 parents with daughters under 14 years of age, affiliated with the Insurance . Social Farmer of the Punta Corral Dispensary, the form “Determinants of acceptance and subsequent absorption of the HPV vaccine in a cohort in Eldoret, Kenya” by the author Heleen Vermandere was used as an instrument for data collection. It was concluded that there is a very low level of knowledge and bad attitudes towards vaccination in this population group, which were reflected in the decision whether or not to vaccinate their daughters. There was no sociodemographic influence of sex, age and educational level of the participants on the acceptability of the vaccine.


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How to Cite

Knowledge, attitudes, and acceptability of the human papillomavirus vaccine. (2024). FACSALUD-UNEMI, 8(15), 54-60.