Ozone therapy: enhancer of chemotherapy effectiveness and reducer of adverse reactions in epithelial cancer





epithelial ovarian cáncer, ozone therapy, chemotherapy


This study aimed to apply ozone therapy to increase chemotherapy effectiveness and reduce its adverse reactions, improving the patient's health quality. Through a quasi-experimental, longitudinal research, using methods of: comparative analysis, cause-effect relationship, and data triangulation. Data were collected by: Visual Analog Pain Scale (VAS), SAS, KPS, and direct observation. The diagnosis before ozone therapy showed signs of high metabolic grade tumor pathology in a solid peritoneal implant adhered to the sigmoid colon, lymphadenopathy versus peritoneal implants in the sigmoid mesocolon, lymphadenopathy of the left common iliac chain, left para-aortic retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, and a sub-solid pulmonary nodule in the lateral segment of the right lower lobe. After ozone therapy, absence of moderate/high-grade metabolic tumor pathology was evidenced, disappearance of the pulmonary nodule in the right lower lobe, and complete response to chemotherapy of pelvic lymphadenopathies and pelvic peritoneal implants. It was demonstrated that ozone therapy enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces its adverse reactions, improving the patient's health quality. It was shown that there is a correspondence between ozone therapy treatment and the increase in chemotherapy effectiveness, tumor pathology, and chemotherapy adverse reactions, obtaining an improvement in the patient's health quality.


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How to Cite

Ozone therapy: enhancer of chemotherapy effectiveness and reducer of adverse reactions in epithelial cancer. (2024). FACSALUD-UNEMI, 8(15), 145-151. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8360vol8iss15.2024pp145-151p