Study of the bacteriological quality of twelve medicinal plants commonly used in Ecuador.

  • Katherine Barros Navarrete
  • Carmita Jaramillo Jaramillo
  • Diana San Martín
  • Haydelba D’Armas


The 80% of the population in Ecuador uses the Traditional Medicine and therefore the plants or their natural products. The purpose of this research was to carry out a study of the bacterial content of twelve common medicinal plants that are sold in the central market of Machala city and that have been  processed  for  stability  studies  in  the  Pharmacy  Pilot  Plant  of  the  Universidad  Técnica  de Machala,  with  the  exception of  Moringa  oleifera (moringa)  that  is  cultivated  in  the  lands  of  the Academic Unit of Agricultural Sciences. In this sense, a characterization of the bacterial colonies was done which were obtained  using eosin methylene blue agar (EMB), a selective agar to determine the pathogenic microorganism Escherichia coli ; fixation on a dish and Gram stai ning. In addition, a total aerobic count was performed in the Casoy agar or TSA culture medium, in which Piper carpunya Ruiz and Pav (guaviduca) and Taraxacum officinale W (diente de leon) were shown to exceed the permitted limit given by the WHO. A study of Enterobacteria was finally made using MacConkey Agar, where eight vegetal species exceeded the limit allowed, while Borago officinalis L (borraja), Lippia citrodora (cedrón), Melissa officinalis L (toronjil) and Taraxacum officinale W (diente de leon) did not exceed the value (1x104 UFC/g) established by the World Health Organization (WHO for plant material. The determined quality parameters indicated that the analyzed species are within the quality specifications for crude drugs established by WHO standards.


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How to Cite
Barros Navarrete, K., Jaramillo Jaramillo, C., San Martín, D., & D’Armas, H. (2017). Study of the bacteriological quality of twelve medicinal plants commonly used in Ecuador. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 1(1), 12-17.