Use and frequency of internet connection and subjective well-being in Argentine youth

Keywords: Internet, subjective well-being, age and sex


The objective of the present study was to analyze the use and frequency of internet connection and its relationship with subjective well-being in young population. This was a descriptive, correlational, non-experimental, cross-sectional, retrospective ex-post-facto study with a single group and multiple measures. Based on a sample of 310 young subjects from Buenos Aires (Mage = 21.51, SD = 2.60; Women = 55.2%). Participants had a high frequency of internet connection, that decrease when age increases. When considering age and sex, differences in the type of activities carried out on the internet were found. Regarding subjective well-being, participants had high satisfaction with life, which was higher in younger people, and high symptoms of anxiety and depression, which were greater in women. No relationship was found between the frequency of internet connection and subjective well-being, but it was found in relation to the activities carried out online. Sex was a moderating variable in this relationship, since different uses in men and women correlated with life satisfaction and anxiety and depression symptoms differently.


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How to Cite
Dogliotti, C., González-Insua, F., Botero, C., & Delfino, G. (2020). Use and frequency of internet connection and subjective well-being in Argentine youth. PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 4(7), 74-87.