Ecological footprint and bioproductive zones. A look from the Ecuadorian economy




Ecological footprint, biocapacity, grasslands, fishing areas, natural resources


The ecological footprint is a measure of the consumption of natural resources to meet the needs of the population or the amount of biocapacity to absorb the waste generated and CO2 absorption by humans; it is measured in global hectares (hag). The present study aims to determine the degree of affectation in global hectares produced in Ecuador from 2008 to 2018. It is longitudinal research of descriptive-explanatory type, non-experimental, with non-probabilistic sampling. The data were collected from the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, from the section called "National System of Environmental Indicators and Sustainability" (SINIAS). For its analysis, descriptive, correlational and multivariate statistics were considered through a correspondence analysis. It is concluded that over time the affectation of bioproductive zones continues to grow and that the Ecuadorian ecological footprint for the year 2022 has a surplus of 0.2 hag per capita.


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Author Biographies

  • Dayana Ruiz Erazo, Universidad Técnica de Ambato

    Economista por la Universidad Técnica de Ambato

  • Alex Santiago Mantilla Miranda, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo

    Ingeniero en Electrónica y Control

    Magister en Electrónica y Control

    Magister en Matemática aplicada a la docencia

    Docente investigador, varias publicaciones 


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How to Cite

Ecological footprint and bioproductive zones. A look from the Ecuadorian economy. (2024). CIENCIA UNEMI, 17(44), 52-64.