Innovation systems evolution: from national to technological




Bibliometric analysis, innovation systems, VOSviewer


Innovation systems are a growing interest subject for academics, decision-makers, and actors concerned with innovation. The innovation systems can be classified into four types regarding to the space they embrace: national, regional, sectoral, and technological. This study aims to describe the evolution of research on innovation systems over time. To do this, data was collected from Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases until 2022. The data was used to determine bibliometric indices, which include the year of publication, language of documents, most productive authors, and country. Additionally, VOSviewer was used to visualize and analyze keyword co-occurrence. The results showed that the volume of research on innovation systems is growing and concentrates in Global North countries. The predominant language of the documents is English. It is concluded that publications on RIS significantly exceed those on other systems.


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How to Cite

Innovation systems evolution: from national to technological. (2024). CIENCIA UNEMI, 17(44), 40-51.