Production of Tropical Fruits in Ecuador: Productive specialization and optimization function




Agricultural production, soil performance, agricultural agglomerations, production optimization, tropical fruits


The purpose of this research work is to analyze the optimization function of production and agricultural agglomerations of non-traditional tropical fruits in Ecuador. The database of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock was used with surface, production and yield data for the period 2015-2021. From the Geo-portal of Ecuadorian Agriculture, through georeferencing, the agroecological zoning of pineapple, mango, passion fruit, and avocado crops was established in the bordering provinces with the highest production. The optimization function was calculated for each cluster considering the restrictions of planted area, access to credit, sales prices and yield. Finally, a correlational model was applied between the production of tropical fruits and the use of agricultural land. Among the most notable results, it is shown that the production of non-traditional tropical fruits went from 387,503 tons in 2015 to producing 436,513 tons in 2021. The optimization function reaches a maximum production in each of the agglomerations, with the planted area being the most significant restriction. It is concluded that the presence of tropical fruit agglomerations in Ecuador allows optimal agricultural production considering the plantation surface used in each province


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How to Cite

Production of Tropical Fruits in Ecuador: Productive specialization and optimization function. (2024). CIENCIA UNEMI, 17(44), 177-193.