Analysis of self-defence against the civilian use of firearms in Ecuador




Civilian use of firearms, self-defense, insecurity and violence, legal regulation, reform of penal legislation



This article analyzes the civilian use of firearms in Ecuador, where insecurity and violence have increased. Despite the existence of a firearms law, an additional regulation was created to regulate the civilian use of these weapons. However, there is a problem with the lack of specific regulations for self-defense, which creates a legal loophole in trials. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate this lack of legality and propose reforms to the Comprehensive Penal Organic Code or the creation of new laws to regulate the civilian use of firearms. Doctrinal and comparative research methods are used to analyze existing regulations and compare them with legislation from other countries. The results indicate the lack of preparation of the population for the use of firearms and the risk of their use in situations of violence. In conclusion, a clearer and more specific regulation of the civilian use of firearms is required to ensure their proper use and prevent abuse.

Keywords: Civilian use of firearms, self-defense, insecurity and violence, legal regulation, reform of penal legislation.


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Artículos Científicos

How to Cite

Analysis of self-defence against the civilian use of firearms in Ecuador. (2024). CIENCIA UNEMI, 17(45), 19-35.