

Comprobado Open shipments Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer reviewed


Comprobado Open shipments Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer reviewed


Comprobado Open shipments Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer reviewed


ComprobadoOpen shipments Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer reviewed


Comprobado Open shipments Comprobado Indexed Comprobado Peer reviewed


Thematic and scope

Revista Ciencia UNEMI is an indexed and refereed scientific journal, published every four months. Aimed at the university population, it publishes mainly original scientific research papers, essays and original communications, preferably in the priority areas of the journal. Its objective is to disseminate the scientific and technological achievements of UNEMI, as well as those carried out in other universities and research centers in the country and abroad, in the areas related to Industrial; Technology, Informatics and Communication; Administration and Management; Natural and Exact Sciences; Education and Culture.


Peer review process

The review process consists of two stages: internal evaluation and external evaluation (also called peer-review). The journal Ciencia UNEMI uses the external peer-review system, under a double-blind review methodology, according to the citation and publication standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition. Compliance with this system guarantees the authors an objective, impartial and transparent review process, which facilitates the publication's inclusion in international reference databases, repositories and indexes.

Internal evaluation: This is a first review in which the aim is to make all possible observations on the article, so that when it reaches the external reviewer, the probability of the article being approved increases. This stage consists of:- Review of the format of the article, which must comply with the Journal's Regulations.       Review of the originality, i.e. that the article has not been published before, or that the content of the article includes the contributions of others duly referenced, or that the content taken from other authors does not exceed 10% of the total of the article (the Turnitin anti-plagiarism system is used).- Along with the originality is the legal commitment that the author has not submitted his article to another media and that he will not withdraw it from the journal during the review process.- Review of the Abstract (since many of the articles are published in the journal).       Review of the Abstract (since many of the translations made by the authors do not correspond to the text of the abstract).- Review of the writing and spelling, where it is verified that the ideas presented in each paragraph are clear, understandable and without errors of writing or spelling.- Classification of the article in:

External evaluation: Once the article has passed the internal review, it is sent to two external evaluators from national or international higher education institutions outside the Editorial Board, who are taken into consideration according to the professional profile related to the area or subject matter. In this review process, "double blind" is used; that is, the reviewer does not know to whom the article belongs, and the author does not know who is reviewing it. In this way, impartiality is guaranteed; to date, no article has been published without having received a favorable response from at least one external reviewer.for the evaluation, in addition to the article, an Evaluation Form is provided (depending on whether it is an Essay, technical article or scientific article) which contains the parameters with which the article is evaluated.Communication with authors: Based on the observations made by the external evaluators, the authors are notified through the journal's platform and by mail, of the corrections to be made and the stipulated deadline for delivery of the corrected manuscript. The author will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of the article. In case of rejection, the respective reasons for the decision will be explained, in addition, the evaluations will be sent so that the author knows the reasons for the rejection and at the same time can improve his manuscript according to the corrections of the evaluators.

Final revision: This consists of the revision by the Editorial Committee; it may be the case that the new paragraphs incorporated have spelling or writing errors; therefore, a second revision of the final article will be carried out. The criteria for acceptance or rejection of papers are as follows: a) Originality; b) Accuracy of the subject; c) Theoretical soundness; d) Reliability and scientific validity; e) Justification of the results; f) Impact; g) Future perspectives/ contributions; h) Quality of the writing; i) Presentation of tables and figures; and e) References. Once the evaluation process is finished, the main author will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of the work.Time of the process: The stipulated time for the whole process of evaluation and publication of the article is approximately 3 months.

NOTE: the journal CIENCIA UNEMI does not charge any fee to the authors for the submission of articles and their processing, it is a scientific journal with the interest of publishing quality content without profit, so the journal has no costs for publication or consultation that should be assumed by the users.


Open access policy

The journal Ciencia UNEMI provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research results freely available to the public that supports the exchange of global knowledge and not for profit. The publication rights of the papers are property of Ciencia UNEMI, and the total or partial reproduction of the articles is authorized, as long as the following conditions are met: no commercial purposes, no alterations are made to their contents, and their complete information is cited (name and surname of the author, Ciencia UNEMI, volume number, issue number and exact URL of the cited document).


Frequency of Publication

The journal Ciencia UNEMI was launched in 2008. It is a quarterly journal and the volumes will be published in January, May and September.


About contributions

The Editorial Committee accepts three (3) types of contributions for publication in the different areas of the Revista Ciencia UNEMI: Scientific Articles, Technical Articles, and Essays.

Scientific Articles are the result of research work, either bibliographic or experimental, in which results have been obtained, discussed and conclusions reached that represent an innovative contribution in Science and Technology.

Technical Articles are the result of undergraduate or research work in the university and industrial field, either experimental and/or non-experimental, which represent a technological contribution to the resolution of specific problems in the industrial sector.

Essays are those contributions resulting from research aimed at informing news and/or advances in the specialties covered by UNEMI Science. They must be unpublished and will not be accepted those that have been offered to other dissemination organs.


About articles for publication

Contributions to be published in Ciencia UNEMI must be framed within the requirements set forth in the Publication Standard and accepted by the Editorial Committee. All papers must be original and unpublished, in Spanish, and not be in the process of being refereed by other journals.

All contributions must be uploaded to the journal's OJS platform and must be sent in electronic format. The manuscript should be written in Spanish or English. It should be written in third person and present verb tense. It should be written using the Microsoft Office Word® word processor, typed in a single column, single-spaced, with 6-point spacing between paragraphs, on A4 size paper (21.0 x 29.7 cm), Times New Roman font, size 12, justified, without indentation and with 2.5 cm margins on all sides: bottom, top, left and right.


Publication Standards

Revista Ciencia UNEMI is an indexed and refereed scientific journal, published every four months since 2016. Aimed at the university population, it publishes mainly original scientific research papers, essays and original communications preferably in the priority areas of the journal. Its objective is to disseminate the scientific and technological achievements of UNEMI, as well as those carried out in other universities and research centers in the country and abroad, in the areas related to Industrial; Technology, Informatics and Communication; Administration and Management; Natural and Exact Sciences; Education and Culture.

General Conditions
Contributions to be published in Ciencia UNEMI must comply with the requirements set forth in this Standard and be accepted by the Editorial Committee. All papers must be original and unpublished, in Spanish or English, and must not be in the process of being refereed by other journals. The publication rights of the papers are property of Ciencia UNEMI. Total or partial reproduction of the articles is authorized, as long as the following conditions are met: no commercial purposes, no alterations are made to their contents, and their complete information is cited (author's name and surname, Ciencia UNEMI, volume number, issue number and exact URL of the cited document). Authors should indicate name and surname, academic title, place of work, position held and complete address, including telephone, fax and e-mail. The opinions of the authors are their sole responsibility and the journal does not endorse the doctrines, ideas or thoughts expressed therein. Authors should use the citation and publication standards of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition.


All contributions must be uploaded to the journal's OJS platform, they must be submitted in electronic format. The manuscript should be written in Spanish or English. It should be written in third person and present verb tense. It should be written using the Microsoft Office Word® word processor, typed in a single column, single-spaced, with 6-point spacing between paragraphs, on A4 size paper (21.0 x 29.7 cm), Times New Roman font, size 12, justified, without indentation and with 2.5 cm margins on all sides: bottom, top, left and right.

All contributions must be uploaded to the journal's OJS platform, they must be sent in electronic format. The manuscript should be written in Spanish or English. It should be written in third person and present verb tense. The manuscript should be written using the Microsoft Office Word® word processor, typed in a single column, single-spaced, with 6-point spacing between paragraphs, on A4 size paper (21.0 x 29.7 cm), Times New Roman font, size 12, justified, without indentation and with 2.5 cm margins on all sides: bottom, top, left and right.

Contributions should have a minimum length of 4 pages and a maximum of 16 pages. Essays should have a minimum of 30 bibliographical references. Illustrations, graphs, drawings and photographs will be called Figures and will be presented in jpg format. Figures must be in original, elaborated by the authors. Scanned figures will not be accepted. Photographs should be of high resolution, sharp and well contrasted, without areas that are too dark or extremely light. Tables and figures should be numbered (each one) consecutively in Arabic numerals, in Times New Roman font, size 10. They should be included as close as possible to their reference in the text, with their respective title at the top if it is a table or at the bottom if it is a figure. If the information contained is taken from another author, the source should be indicated. All equations and formulas should be generated by up-to-date equation editors and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, placed in parentheses on the right side. Mathematical symbols should be very clear and legible. Units should be placed in the Decimal Metric System and International System of Measurement. If unfamiliar acronyms and abbreviations are used, their meaning should be indicated the first time they are mentioned in the text and in the other mentions the acronym or abbreviation will suffice.


Each contribution should be arranged in the following parts: title in Spanish, authors' data, abstract and keywords in Spanish; title, abstract and keywords in English; introduction, methodology or procedure, results, conclusions, bibliographical references and acknowledgements.

1. Title in English.

It must be brief, precise and codifiable, without abbreviations, parentheses, formulas, or unknown characters. It should contain the least amount of words (maximum 15 words) that express the content of the manuscript and can be registered in international indexes.

2. Authors' data. The first name, first and second surname should be indicated. It is recommended for a correct indexing of the article in international databases, the adoption of a first name and a single surname for uncommon names and surnames, or the first name and two surnames joined by a hyphen for the most common ones (e.g. María Pérez-Acosta). In another file the complete information of each author should be indicated: name and surname, ORCID code, academic title, place of work, position held, country, complete address, including telephone number, fax and essential e-mail.

3. Abstract in Spanish and Keywords. It should indicate the objective or purpose of the research and a synthesis of the methodology or procedure, the most relevant results and conclusions. It will have a maximum length of 200 words in a single paragraph with single spacing. It should not contain bibliographical references, tables, figures or equations. At the end of the abstract include 3 to 10 key words or significant descriptors, with the purpose of its inclusion in international indexes.

4. Title, Abstract and Keywords in English. These are the English translation of the title, abstract and keywords presented in Spanish.

5. Introduction. A concise description of the problem, the objective of the work, a synthesis of its theoretical basis and the methodology used. Mention should also be made of the content of the development of the manuscript, without specifying the results and conclusions of the work.

6. Development:

Materials and Methods (Methodology): the research design is described and how the work was carried out, the methods and materials developed and/or used are described.

Results: the information and/or product pertinent to the objectives of the study and the findings are presented in logical sequence.

Discussion of results: the arguments that support the results of the research are presented. The results are examined and interpreted and the conclusions derived from these results are drawn with the respective arguments that support them. The results are contrasted with the theoretical references, justifying the creation of knowledge as a result of the work. 

7. Conclusions. A summary, without arguments, of the results obtained is presented.

8. Bibliographical references. Revista Ciencia UNEMI follows the APA Standard for the citation of authors, tables and figures.

A list called "References" should be included at the end of the paper; the veracity of these citations is the responsibility of the author(s) of the article. All references to communications and private documents of limited diffusion, not universally accessible, should be avoided. Bibliographical references are cited in strict alphabetical order, beginning with the surname of the first author followed by the initial(s) of his/her name(s). If all authors are identical in two or more references, the date of publication will dictate their order in the final list. If there are two or more articles by the same authors and published in the same year, the list of references will be included in alphabetical order of the titles of the articles, adding a letter as a suffix. At the end of the work, the sources should be indicated, as described below, depending on whether they are:

1. Book: The following are several ways to cite a book

Book with author: Author's last name, Author's initials, (Year), Title in italics, City and country, Publisher. For example:

Hacyan, S., (2004), Physics and metaphysics in space and time. La filosofía en el laboratorio, Mexico DF, Mexico: Fondo nacional de cultura económica.

Book with publisher: If the book is by multiple authors, it is convenient to cite the publisher. Publisher's last name, Initials of publisher's name. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City, Country: Publisher. For example:

Wilber, K. (Ed.). (1997). The holographic paradigm. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Kairós

Book in electronic version: The books in electronic version can come in two ways: With DOI and Without DOI. The DOI (Digital Object Identifier), is the identification of digital material, unique for each book.

Books online without DOI: Last name, Initials first name author. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxx.xxx

De Jesús Domínguez, J. (1887). Administrative autonomy in Puerto Rico. Retrieved from http://memory.loc.gov/

Books with DOI: Last name, Initials first name author. (Year). Title. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx

Montero, M. and Sonn, C. C. (Eds.). (2009). Psychology of Liberation: Theory and applications. doi: 10.1007/ 978-0-387-85784-8. doi: 10.1007/ 978-0-387-85784-8

Chapter of a book. A chapter of a book is referenced when the book is with an editor, i.e., the book consists of chapters written by different authors: Last name, A. A., and Last name, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). City, Country: Publisher

Molina, V. (2008). "... is that students do not read or write": The challenge of reading and writing at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali. In H. Mondragón (Ed.), Reading, understanding, debating, writing. Writing scientific articles by university professors (pp. 53-62). Cali, Valle del Cauca: Sello Editorial Javeriano.

2. Scientific articles: Author's last name, Author's initials, (Year), Title, Name of the journal in italics, Volume, Number, Pages. For example:

Corominas, M., Ronecro, C., Bruguca, E., and Casas, M. (2007). Dopaminergic system and addictions, Rev Mukuel, 44(1), 23-31.

Referencia según el tipo de artículo

Artículos con DOI:

Bezuidenhout, A. (2006). Consciousness and Language (review). Language, 82(4), 930-934. doi: 10.1353/lan.2006.0184

Artículo sin DOI impreso:

Fields, D. (2007). Más allá de la teoría neuronal. Mente y Cerebro, 13(24), 12-17.

Artículo sin DOI digital:

Mota de Cabrera, C. (2006). El rol de la escritura dentro del currículo de la enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua (esl/efl): Una perspectiva histórica. Acción Pedagógica, 15(1), 56-63. Recuperado de http://www.saber.ula.ve/accionpe/

Referencia según la cantidad de autores

Un autor:

Tarlaci, S. (2010). A Historical View of the Relation Between Quantum Mechanics and the Brain: A Neuroquantologic Perspective. NeuroQuantology, 8(2), 120-136.

Dos a siete autores: Se listan todos los autores separados por coma y en el último se escribe “y”.

Tuszynski, J., Sataric, M., Portet, S., y Dixon, J. (2005). Physical interpretation of micro tubule self-organization in gravitational fields. Physics Letters A, 340(1-4), 175-180.

Ocho o más autores: Se listan los primeros seis autores, se ponen puntos suspensivos y se lista el último autor.

Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J.-Y., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L.,…Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843-856.

  1. Simposios, Congresos o Conferencias: Autor, A., & Autor, A. (Fecha). Título de la ponencia. Título del evento. Evento llevado a cabo en el Nombre de la organización, Lugar. Por ejemplo:

Rojas, C., & Vera, N. (Agosto de 2013). ABMS (Automatic BLAST for Massive Sequencing). 2° Congreso Colombiano de Biología Computacional y Bioinformática CCBCOL. Congreso llevado a cabo en Manizales, Colombia.

  1. Informes: para citar un informe de alguna organización, institución gubernamental o autor corporativo se debe seguir el siguiente formato: Nombre de la organización. (Año). Título del informe (Número de la publicación). Recuperado de http://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/

Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas. (2012). Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Recuperado de: http://www.dane.gov.co

  1. Trabajo de Grado o Tesis: Autor, A., & Autor, A. (Año). Título de la tesis (Tesis de pregrado, maestría o doctoral). Nombre de la institución, Lugar. Ejemplo:

Aponte, L, & Cardona, C. (2009). Educación ambiental y evaluación de la densidad poblacional para la conservación de los cóndores reintroducidos en el Parque Nacional Natural Los Nevados y su zona amortiguadora (tesis de pregrado). Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia.

Instrucciones de envío

Para enviar un artículo es necesario que el documento cumpla estrictamente con los lineamientos de formato y de contenido anteriormente especificados. Los trabajos se envían en forma digital a través de la página web: http://ojs.unemi.edu.ec/index.php/cienciaunemi vía email: ciencia_unemi@unemi.edu.ec.


Declaración de ética y buenas prácticas

La Revista Ciencia UNEMI, como publicación que busca la máxima excelencia internacional, se inspira en el código ético del Comité de Ética de Publicaciones (COPE), dirigido tanto a editores como a revisores y autores.

Obligaciones y responsabilidades generales del equipo editorial

En su calidad de máximos responsables de la revista, el comité editorial de la Revista Ciencia UNEMI se comprometen a:

  1. Aunar esfuerzos para satisfacer las necesidades de los lectores y autores.
  2. Propender por el mejoramiento continuo de la revista.
  3. Asegurar la calidad del material que se publica.
  4. Velar por la libertad de expresión.
  5. Mantener la integridad académica de su contenido.
  6. Impedir que intereses comerciales comprometan los criterios intelectuales.
  7. Publicar correcciones, aclaraciones, retractaciones y disculpas cuando sea necesario.

Responsabilidades de la Revista

La revista Ciencia UNEMI se compromete a asegurar la calidad del material que publica, informando sobre los objetivos y normas de la revista. Las decisiones del editor para aceptar o rechazar un documento para su publicación se basa únicamente en la relevancia del trabajo, su originalidad y la pertinencia del estudio con relación a la línea editorial de la revista.

  1. La Revista Ciencia UNEMI, velará que los editores, revisores externos y autores respeten los principios éticos durante todas las fases del proceso editorial.
  2. La Revista Ciencia UNEMI se compromete a recibir los artículos enviados por los autores y verificar que cada uno de ellos cumplan con los criterios de pertinencia temática y de forma correspondiente al primer filtro editorial (revisión interna).
  3. Una vez que el artículo pase el primer filtro que es la revisión interna, la Revista Ciencia UNEMI remitirá el artículo a revisión por pares ciegos con dos o tres árbitros según sea el caso, vinculados al área de conocimiento del tema que aborda el autor; los mismos que emitirán sus observaciones y correcciones mediante una matriz de evaluación en formato Excel y  las observaciones serán remitidas al autor.
  4. La revista Ciencia UNEMI junto con su equipo editorial, en un plazo de 1 semana se verificará que los autores hayan cumplido con la corrección de las observaciones realizadas por los evaluadores. Si el artículo es satisfactorio en el cumplimiento de las observaciones tanto del comité editorial como de los evaluadores externos, la revista se compromete a realizar la publicación del artículo.
  5. La revista Ciencia UNEMI cumplirá con la responsabilidad de comunicar a los autores la fase del proceso editorial en el que se encuentra su artículo mediante la plataforma OJS (Open Journal System) y correos electrónicos.
  6. La publicación de un artículo dependerá exclusivamente de:
  7. La Revista Ciencia UNEMI se compromete a realizar la publicación en los tiempos y formas establecidas
    • La afinidad del texto con las temáticas de la Revista Ciencia UNEMI
    • El cumplimiento de los criterios establecidos por la Revista para el envío de artículos.
    • Los resultados de la evaluación académica realizada por los árbitros.
    • La aplicación de las observaciones y cambios requeridos por los árbitros.
  1. La Revista Ciencia UNEMI asume la responsabilidad de llevar a cabo un proceso de edición y publicación transparente, respetando a los autores, evaluadores y toda la comunidad académica.
  2. La Revista Ciencia UNEMI no realizará ningún cobro económico, ni a sus autores ni a sus lectores, claro está, respetando la integridad de los derechos morales de autor.

Responsabilidades de los árbitros

La Revista Ciencia UNEMI pone a disposición de los evaluadores un formulario para la evaluación de manuscritos acerca de lo que se espera de ellos. La identidad de los evaluadores se encuentra en todo momento protegida, garantizando su anonimato.

Las responsabilidades de los árbitros son:

1.- Definir si un artículo es publicable o no. Su concepto será consignado en el Formato de evaluación de artículos y también podrán realizar comentarios y sugerencias en el documento original.

2.- Explicar los motivos suficientes para sustentar su decisión, pero esto es fundamental cuando la decisión es la de No Aprobar el artículo, en este caso es muy importante que el árbitro sustente con detalle su concepto evaluativo en cada uno de los aspectos solicitados por la Revista.

3.- Evaluar de forma objetiva el artículo, de manera que tendrán en cuenta que el texto puede reflejar una posición ontológica, epistemológica o metodológica diferente, y que esto, no será un motivo para desaprobar el artículo sometido a evaluación.

4.- Los árbitros solo deberán aceptar aquellos textos sobre los que tengan suficiente competencia, experiencia y conocimiento para desarrollar las responsabilidades que se les encomiendan.

5.- Los evaluadores asumen la responsabilidad de enviar su concepto en los plazos señalados por la Revista, los cuales serán consensuados con cada árbitro.

6.- Los evaluadores deberán evitar cualquier conflicto de interés que identifiquen en referencia al texto que les ha sido enviado.

Responsabilidades de los autores

1.- El autor se compromete a que el artículo enviado a la Revista Ciencia UNEMI es un trabajo original e inédito (El manuscrito será analizado por el sistema antiplagio Turnitin).

2.- Conocer que los derechos de publicación de los trabajos son propiedad de la Revista Ciencia UNEMI

3.- Los autores deberán indicar nombre y apellido, título académico, institución, ciudad, provincia, país y correo electrónico.

4.- Cualquier manuscrito previamente publicado será rechazado. Se considerará un trabajo como previamente publicado cuando suceda cualquiera de las siguientes situaciones:

  1. Cuando el texto completo haya sido publicado.
  2. Cuando fragmentos extensos de materiales previamente publicados formen parte del texto enviado a la Revista.
  3. Cuando el trabajo sometido a la Revista esté contenido en memorias publicadas en extenso.
  4. Estos criterios se refieren a publicaciones previas en forma impresa o electrónica, y en cualquier idioma.

5.- Es responsabilidad del autor evitar cualquier conflicto de interés en la publicación de datos y resultados de sus investigaciones.

6.- El autor deberá citar y referenciar claramente cualquier fragmento que sea tomado de la obra de otro autor o de textos del propio autor; esto incluye la referencia de las fuentes de datos, tablas, figuras y documentos.

7.- El autor no debe enviar su artículo a cualquier otra revista mientras esté en proceso de arbitraje en la Revista Ciencia UNEMI. Si se detecta esta conducta se suspenderá el proceso de revisión o publicación del texto correspondiente.

8.- El autor acepta y se acoge a las normas, criterios y procedimientos editoriales de la Revista Ciencia UNEMI.

9.- Los autores deben asegurarse de que todos los estudios practicados en seres humanos o animales cumplan con las leyes y requisitos nacionales, locales e institucionales. Cuando sea necesario, se incluirá una explicación sobre los procedimientos seguidos en el estudio para garantizar el cumplimiento de los principios y normas éticas de la Declaración de Helsinki y la Política de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud -NIH- sobre el uso de animales de laboratorio.  En el caso de artículos de estudios en los cuales se haya utilizado formatos de pacientes o individuos, los autores deben obtener el consentimiento informado por escrito para el caso de estudios en seres humanos y respetar su privacidad.


Conflicto de intereses

Los autores deben declarar que no tienen ningún conflicto potencial o real de tipo financiero, personal o de cualquier índole con otras personas u organizaciones en los siguientes dos años después de someter el artículo, que pueda influenciar negativamente el trabajo realizado. 

La Revista Ciencia UNEMI establecerá los mecanismos necesarios para evitar o resolver los posibles conflictos de intereses entre autores, evaluadores y/o el propio equipo editorial.


Antiplagio y originalidad

Los autores o colaboradores deberán citar correctamente las fuentes de literatura que usarán en sus artículos de investigación. El plagio se puede manifestar de diversas maneras, como usar el artículo de otro como propio del autor, copiar o parafrasear intencionalmente o involuntariamente partes del artículo de otro autor sin su respectiva cita, afirmando los resultados de investigaciones realizadas por otros.

Para minimizar la recepción y principalmente la publicación de documentos plagiados, la revista Ciencia UNEMI revisará los documentos recibidos utilizando el software Turnitin. Turnitin es un sistema automático de reconocimiento de texto creado para detectar y prevenir el plagio sin importar el idioma utilizado. La Revista aceptará una cantidad máxima del 10% de similitud.

Aviso de derechos de autor/a

Los autores pueden mantener el copyright, concediendo a la revista el derecho de primera publicación. Alternativamente, los autores pueden transferir el copyright a la revista, la cual permitirá a los autores el uso no-comercial del trabajo, incluyendo el derecho a colocarlo en un archivo de acceso libre.

Normas para Autores

Normas para autores

Parámetros de evaluación

Parámetros de Evaluación

Carta de Cesión de Derechos de Autor

Carta de cesión de derechos de autor


Universidad Estatal de Milagro

Milagro, Ecuador