Intercultural Education and management of creative strategies in the Upper Basic Sub-level, Circuit 13D02C08_11 in the city of Manta

Keywords: Creative education, teaching strategies, intercultural education, coexistence


Intercultural education seeks the recognition of socio-cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity, creating awareness and critical reflection regarding the participation and interaction of everyone in society. The objective of this research is to establish the creative strategies that affect intercultural education in Circuit C08_11 of the city of Manta, Republic of Ecuador. The investigation was carried out under a mixed approach with emphasis on the quantitative, it was carried out in 10 educational institutions of the State; For the collection of information, the survey technique was used for students and teachers, applied through the Google Forms tool. The results indicate correct knowledge regarding the concept of interculturality, however, insufficiencies in its approach, in interpersonal relationships and application of creative techniques for implementation. It is concluded that interculturality is a concept built on the basis of respectful and tolerant interaction of the cultural manifestations of a group of people. Limitations in the approach as part of the teaching and learning process in the classroom context through the application of creative and varied techniques. Insufficiencies in interpersonal relationships, very necessary in an intercultural education, factors that enable a favorable environment for learning.


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How to Cite
Caicedo Moreira, R. G., & Zambrano Montes, L. C. (2023). Intercultural Education and management of creative strategies in the Upper Basic Sub-level, Circuit 13D02C08_11 in the city of Manta. Science Magazine Unemi, 16(42), 1-9.