• Silvia Cristina Jara Rubio Fiscalía General del Estado
  • Martín Fernando Randi Proaño Universidad de las Américas
  • Santiago Javier Páliz Ibarra Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Lizbeth Johana Alcaciega Ochoa Universidad Tecnológica Indoamericana
Keywords: Conditional suspension of sentence, formal equality, right to freedom, normative conteadiction, abstract penalties, concrete penalties


The present investigation analyzes the contradiction present in Art. 630, numeral 1, of the COIP. Which states that, the custodial sentence may be suspended under certain conditions, as long as the penalty foreseen for the crime does not exceed five years. However, such provision goes against Article 66, numeral 4 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to formal equality. However, it is important to take into account the principle of legality and to consider the suspension of the sentence in a specific and not general manner. According to the interpretation of Article 13 of the COIP, the norms must be interpreted in a comprehensive manner and in line with the Constitution of the Republic and international human rights instruments. Therefore, the objective of the research is to determine the affectation, in the cases in which the request for conditional suspension of the sentence is denied based on the fact that the sentence in abstract is from 5 to 7 years and if the same with the principles of equality and non-discrimination established in the Constitution and international human rights treaties. The methodology applied to the research is qualitative and descriptive theoretical, since it allows the collection of information based on the normative and jurisprudential reality. Key words: Conditional suspension of sentence, formal equality, right to freedom, normative contradiction, abstract penalties, concrete penalties.


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How to Cite
Jara Rubio, S. C., Randi Proaño, M. F., Páliz Ibarra, S. J., & Alcaciega Ochoa, L. J. (2024). THE APPLICATION OF SUSPENDED SENTENCES AND THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUALITY OF TREATMENT IN FORM. Science Magazine Unemi, 17(44), 218-223.
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