• Sara Castillo-Herrera Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Salomón Barrezueta-Unda Universidad Técnica de Machala
  • Javier Arbito-Quituisaca Universidad Técnica de Machala


Groundwater is a limited resource with a high vulnerability to natural or anthropogenic factors that may alter its physical, chemical and biological attributes; and make this resource unsuitable for human activities including agriculture. This aspect motivated this research, and its objective was to evaluate the groundwater of the parish of La Peaña, in the province of El Oro (Ecuador). For this purpose, 22 wells located in several banana farms were chosen, where samples were taken to determine colour and odour properties, as well as pH value, electrical conductivity, and temperature. Ten subsamples were also chosen to which biological analyses of total coliforms, Escherichia coli and heavy metals were carried out: Hg. Pb. As. As. Cd and Mn. The results showed an odourless and transparent colour in more than 80% of the wells. The pH value range 7.28-8.27 showed a tendency towards alkalinity, with a slight presence of salinity due to its low EC (range, 0.17-0.39 mS m). Coliform bacteria were in six wells with levels above 30 CFU ml-1). The metals Hg, Pb, As and Cd obtained averages of 0.29 ug l-1, 5 ug l-1; 10.00 ug l-1 and 0.80 ug l-1, respectively, while Mn showed the greatest variability with a range of 0.06-1240 ug l-1. It is recommended not to use water with high levels of total coliforms in the banana post-harvest process.


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Author Biography

Sara Castillo-Herrera, Universidad Técnica de Machala
Ingeniero Agronomo, Master en Gerencia de Empresas Agropecuarias, graduado en la Universidad Técnica de Machala. Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales por la Universidade da Coruña (España). Profesor de Economia Ambiental, proyectos agropecuarios y entomologia


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How to Cite
Castillo-Herrera, S., Barrezueta-Unda, S., & Arbito-Quituisaca, J. (2019). ASSESSMENT OF THE GROUNDWATER QUALITY IN LA PEAÑA PARISH, EL ORO PROVINCE, ECUADOR. Science Magazine Unemi, 12(31), 64-73.
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