Neuropsychology of cerebral paralysis



quality of life, cognitive deficit, neuropsychology, cerebral palsy, disorder


Cerebral palsy (CP) is currently considered the first cause of childhood disability, this is a non-progressive neuromotor disorder caused by an injury or trauma to the immature brain, causing alteration in movement, coordination, posture and increase muscle tone, followed by cognitive, behavioral and communication deficits. For this reason, the present research sought to know the neuropsychological level and how the aforementioned problem affects cognitive abilities of children, both at the educational level and at the family level, in order to detail possible therapeutic plans that will help to improve the quality of life of people with CP. A literature review methodology was applied, with a non-experimental design, for the collection of information different bibliographic sources were used, mainly indexed scientific articles, in medical journals. It was possible to show that children with cerebral palsy present cognitive, linguistic and motor dysfunctions; as a consequence of the disorder that keeps the brain compromised, which directly affects the functions of the nervous system, on the other hand it was found that in the areas of the gross motor and expressive communication, there are no improvements, since paralysis It is mainly associated with motor disorders. However, it must be considered that the quality of life of patients can be improved by using a multidisciplinary team specialized in the different treatments and interventions that users need, since the patient requires early care.


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