Incidence of anxiety levels in students of the UEB's Physical Therapy career
anxiety, prevalence, symptoms, university studentsAbstract
Anxiety can range from mild discomfort to serious disorders that require professional intervention. The objective was to identify and describe anxiety levels among Physical Therapy students. A quantitative, exploratory and descriptive approach was used, applying surveys based on the Beck Anxiety Inventory questionnaire to 231 students from the State University of Bolívar, Ecuador. It was found that 44% of the students experienced moderate or severe anxiety, with 82% of the latter cases being female students. Furthermore, it was observed that the most common symptoms included nervousness and digestive or abdominal discomfort, highlighting the interaction between the physical and emotional aspects of anxiety in these students. In conclusion, the findings reveal a significant incidence of anxiety among Physical Therapy students, with a considerable percentage of moderate to severe levels. This reality highlights the importance of implementing effective psychological support and emotional well-being strategies within academic programs. It is essential that educational institutions recognize and address the mental health needs of their students to promote a healthier and more balanced learning environment. Furthermore, these results highlight the importance of continuing to research and develop specific interventions to help students manage anxiety and improve their quality of life during their academic training.
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