Body dysmorphic disorder in nursing students at Bolivar State University
physical appearance, dysmorphia, nursing students, mental disorderAbstract
Body dysmorphic disorder is an obsessive-compulsive disorder characterized by excessive concern over subtle, mild, or imperceptible defects in physical appearance, which to others' eyes are unnoticeable or of little importance, leading to personal functional impairment with considerable interpersonal impact. The objective was to describe the perception of defects and body image dissatisfaction among nursing students at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Human Being at the State University of Bolivar, based on a sample of 150 students during the period October 2023 - February 2024. The applied methodology consisted of a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study. For data collection, a survey validated by Cronbach's Alpha was applied as the research technique. Findings reveal that 37% of students avoid participating in social activities due to concerns about their physical appearance, while 60% experience anxiety about the possibility of others noticing their perceived bodily flaws. Regarding social influence on beauty perception, 25% acknowledge a strong influence, 40% report a moderate influence, and 35% indicate no impact from social standards. Additionally, 25% of the studied sample expresses high levels of social anxiety related to others' perception of their physical characteristics. A significant percentage of university students express dissatisfaction with their body image and concern about their physical appearance. This health issue negatively impacts multiple dimensions of their academic and social life, limiting their participation in activities and the full development of their capabilities. The findings underscore the importance of implementing preventive strategies and specific psychoeducational interventions to address body dissatisfaction and promote a healthy self-image among the university population.
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