¿Do You Trust the Source? Credibility Perception of Documentary and Non-Documentary Sources in College Students





Credibility, evaluation, sourcing, comprehension, digital reading


To examine the perception of source credibility as a function of the sources’ features in a sample of university students. Methodology: experimental, cross-sectional design. Procedure: 120 psychology students (age M = 20.64, SD = 4.05, 80.4 % female) assessed the credibility of seven different sources (four documentary and three non-documentary sources) in terms of pertinence to provide information on a rare medical issue. Results: Three main results were found. First, credibility assessment was influenced by the source features (e.g., expertise, first-hand information, editorial filters). Second, some features resulted more prominent than others. Third, prior domain knowledge affected the influence of the features on the assessment. Conclusions: The results provide insight on how different source parameters or features influence the credibility evaluation. These results can serve as a potential guideline for interventions aimed at promoting the critical evaluation of documents.


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How to Cite

¿Do You Trust the Source? Credibility Perception of Documentary and Non-Documentary Sources in College Students. (2020). PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 4(7), 40-52. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8379vol4iss7.2020pp40-52p