Trajectory of the (sub) female representativity in the political sphere: The reinvention of women




Female, female representativeness, political sphere, gender


The objective of this work is to portray the social dimensions of women in the history of humanity, their representation as sub-gender and the direction of the path of female empowerment in the current public sphere. In this contribution, the contextualization of the feminine is developed in categories that fit women at different angles and also weaves brief theoretical aspects of gender discourse. Some considerations were made about the feminine in the context of political law, where, in our century, distorted interpretations regarding the feminine sex and its location in the public spheres of power were verified. Bibliographic review and critical analysis of scientific studies were preferred as a methodology, attracting key authors who addressed the subject, as well as other renowned writers who, for some reason, spoke about the location of the feminine in the history of humanity. , favorably or unfavorably. Finally, specific proposals and brief observations on politics are detailed, with the aim of understanding the role of female social representation and the challenges of its insertion in the public sphere through the coherence of its ideas, reasons and words.


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How to Cite

Trajectory of the (sub) female representativity in the political sphere: The reinvention of women. (2021). PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 5(8), 33-43.