


Coping, Quality of life, Social support, Adolescence, Cancer


Abstract: The present research sought to evaluate the relationship between coping strategies and quality of life in adolescents with cancer. The sample consisted of 60 adolescent subjects, between 13 and 21 years old (M= 17.1, SD= 2.39) who were in cancer treatment during July and August 2020. They were administered an ad-hoc sociodemographic data questionnaire, the WHOQOL-BREF quality of life scale, and the Argentine version of the CRI-Y coping strategies questionnaire, in its Argentine. The results found allow to corroborate the formulated hypotheses: the use of coping strategies of approach to the problem correlate with higher scores of quality of life, and the search for support is positively associated with the perception of quality of life of the patients. adolescents with cancer. Lastly, female adolescents reported greater use of strategies related to seeking support and estimated a better quality of life. It is concluded that interventions should be implemented focused on active coping in the oncological disease process, in order to promote quality of life in this type of patients.


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Author Biographies

  • Alejandra Colombre, Universidad Abierta Interamericana (UAI)

    Lcda. in Psychology, Inter-American Open University (UAI), Faculty of Psychology and Human Relations. Buenos Aires

  • Rocío Hauché, Universidad Abierta Interamericana (UAI)

    Lcda. in Psychology, Institute for Research in Psychology. Faculty of Psychology - University of Buenos Aires. Cognition and Public Policy Laboratory (CogPub). Faculty of Psychology and Human Relations. Inter-American Open University (UAI).

  • Lucas Gago-Glavagno, UCA-UBA-CONICET

    Professor and Atty. in Psychology (UBA). Master in Cognitive and Learning Psychology (FLACSO). Doctor of Psychology (UCA), Institute for Research in Psychology. Faculty of Psychology - University of Buenos Aires. Laboratory of Cognition and Public Policies (CogPub), Faculty of Psychology and Human Relations. Inter-American Open University (UAI), National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET)


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