



El estudio de adaptabilidad familiar en pacientes adultos mayores con Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 busca establecer la relación existente entre estas variables dentro del proceso salud enfermedad. Mediante el estudio analítico, transversal y correlacional se evaluó el control de la diabetes mediante cuantificación de Hba1c y la adaptabilidad familiar medida a través de una de las dimensiones que se obtiene mediante las preguntas impares del Test FACES III que está conformado por el control, disciplina, los roles y reglas establecidas en la familia. No adaptabilidad familiar que define a familias caóticas y flexibles; con la cual se obtiene que el 73,9% de los pacientes (Chi2 calculado de 30.669, valor de p < 0,05 (0,000000)) miembros de estas familias no alcanzan la meta de Hba1c por lo tanto no controlan la Diabetes. Adultos mayores con No adaptabilidad familiar tienen 16 veces mayor probabilidad de no controlar su enfermedad.



The study of familiar adaptability in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus seeks to establish the relationship between these variables within the health disease process. Through the analytical, crosssectional and correlational study, the control of diabetes is evaluated through the quantification of Hba1c and the family adaptability measured through one of the dimensions obtained by the odd questions of the FACES III Test, which is made up of the control, discipline, functions and rules established in the family. Non-family adaptability that defines chaotic and flexible families is created; with which 73.9% of the patients were achieved

(calculated Chi2 of 30,669, value of p <0.05 (0.000000)) members of these families do not reach the goal of Hba1c therefore they do not control Diabetes. Older adults do not have family adaptability are 16 times more likely not to control their disease.


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Zhuzhingo-Vásquez, Universidad de Navarra


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How to Cite

FAMILIAR ADAPTABILITY EVALUATION AND TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS IN THE ELDERLY. (2018). PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 2(2), 7-13. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8379vol2iss2.2018pp7-13p

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