A A Machiavellian personality trait study of Millennials in Ecuador

Keywords: Machiavellian personality, millennials, socio-economic level, gender, psychological health, manipulation, deception


Machiavellian studies have been conducted across the globe since the Mach IV test was demonstrated to be reliable by Christie and Geis. It has been an important measure in many fields particularly related to the workplace. In Ecuador, and across the globe, Millennial are beginning to make up a large portion of the workforce. To date, in Ecuador, there have been no publications of Machiavellian scores on this demographic, leaving management with one less valuable tool to better understand this cohort. This study provides a basis for research in this field in Ecuador. The Mach IV instrument was translated into Spanish, with the local Ecuadorian dialect in mind and tested for clarity. The survey was completed by 440 millennial university students from Guayaquil. Additional factors were obtained in order to test their impact on students´ Mach scores including gender and subjective socio-economic level. Gender differences in Mach scores of populations across the world have shown to be inconsistent, where in some populations there are large difference and in other studies there are no significant difference shown. Additionally, Ecuador is a socially stratified country where there are expected differences in personality based on socio-economic level. The study concludes that there are no statistically significant differences in Mach scores of university students from Guayaquil and gender, nor socio-economic level.


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How to Cite
Tusev, A., & Larreta-Mendoza , T. (2020). A A Machiavellian personality trait study of Millennials in Ecuador. PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 4(7), 53-64. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8379vol4iss7.2020pp53-64p