Burnout y engagement Burnout and engagement in organizational analysis. Contributions and challenges

Keywords: stress, burnout, engagement, healthy organizations, positive psychology


This essay aims to investigate the burnout and engagement constructs as experiences to understand the dynamics of people with the job and their impact on organizations. Firstly, a historical journey is exposed from the emergence of the notion of stress and the burnout syndrome according to its main concepts and lines of research, from the perspective of classical psychology. Next, the emergence of engagement is studied, within the framework of positive psychology and its influence on organizations. Finally, the dialectical relationship between burnout and engagement is analyzed, at a theoretical level –identifying its main contributions and discussions– and its practical implications –in order to contribute to the holistic understanding of organizations–. It concludes with the challenge for research, to analyze the coexisting psychosocial profiles in the workplace, based on cultural and contextual factors specific to each organization.


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How to Cite
Marsollier, R. (2021). Burnout y engagement Burnout and engagement in organizational analysis. Contributions and challenges. PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 5(8), 62-71. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8379vol5iss8.2021pp62-71p