Keywords: Mood, Anxiety, Depression, College students, COVID-19


Abstract: The objective of this research was to know the relationship between mood states and symptoms of anxiety and depression, in a sample of medical students from a public university in Ecuador, during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this, a non-experimental design methodology was used, with a descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional scope. The research was carried out through the use of the Mood Assessment scales (EVEA) and the Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire. 429 participants between the ages of 18 and 60 took part in the study (Ẋ = 20.1 years, s = 0.83). Among the results, it was found that positive mood states prevail significantly (Joy); although there is the presence of anxiety (5.12) and depression (1.75) behaviors, with a higher incidence of anxiety symptoms. Finally, the study indicates that there are high, moderate and low relationships between sadness-depression, anger-hostility, anxiety and joy moods and anxiety and depression behaviors. It is concluded that mood states are predictors of the presence of anxiety and depression conditions in the university population.


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