Keywords: systematic review, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, enactment, psychoanalytic technique, therapeutic relationship


Abstract: The present study aims to carry out a systematic review about the uses of the  enactment concept in scientific articles published between 2020 and 2021. The systematic review, carried out according to the PRISMA declaration, was carried out in January 2022, with 44 scientific articles being selected. from 8 databases. Based on the results obtained, enactment is used in specifically psychoanalytic scientific articles and its uses vary depending on the various theoretical approaches that this discipline presents. Despite this, while enactment defines a specific clinical situation that challenges both the patient and the therapist, it is that, beyond the epistemological difficulties of the construct, it remains within the fundamental concepts of psychoanalytic technique. The need to continue with the research that has been carried out is pointed out, opening new lines towards empirical clinical studies.


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How to Cite
corbella, valeria. (2022). A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW STUDY OF ENACTMENT FROM PSYCHOANALYSIS. PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 6(11), 208-226. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8379vol6iss11.2022pp208-226p