Systematic Review of EI and its Influence on the Acquisition of Social Skills

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, preschool children, social skills, education


The present research was based on understanding the development of emotional intelligence and how these contribute to the acquisition of social skills in children at the initial level, which are skills that infants acquire in daily life. The main objective of this study was to analyze, through a systematic review, the development of emotional intelligence and its influence on the acquisition of social skills for coexistence in children of initial level 2. The design of this research was qualitative, with a systematic review. Using the PRISMA method, the search was carried out in open access databases, using keywords, in which 25 units of analysis were obtained. The results contributed significantly to the understanding of emotional intelligence by applying various methodologies in Mexico. Ecuador, Spain and Colombia. It can be concluded that initial level students are capable of perceiving, recognizing, understanding and regulating emotions, thus facilitating a good development of emotional intelligence and in turn improving the acquisition of social skills.


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How to Cite
Malavé-Dominguez, G., Vera-Ávila, S., Intriago-Pinargote, A., & Saltos-Moreira, L. (2024). Systematic Review of EI and its Influence on the Acquisition of Social Skills. PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 8(15), 150-160.