Meanings attributed by a group of adult women to the experience of facing a perinatal loss in adolescence




Meanings, perinatal loss, adolescence


The research objective is to describe the meanings attributed by a group of women to the experience of facing a perinatal loss in adolescence. The implemented methodology was of a qualitative type with a narrative design. The technique to collect the information consisted of an unstructured interview. The participants correspond to four women with an age range between 28 to 37 years. Intentional sampling was used for selection. The interviews were audio-recorded and literally transcribed. An inductive categorical analysis was performed and similarities and differences between participants were verified. Among the results, it is observed that for these women the meaning assigned to the support of the father of the baby is important, since their presence is considered fundamental in the moments of difficulty experienced by these women. The meaning attributed to the loss has to do with deep pain and feelings of guilt. This generates various physical, emotional and spiritual manifestations in this group of women. Religious beliefs make it easier for these women to give meaning to loss. The experience of loss sparked an important reflection, which further centralized the vital motivations of this group of women.


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How to Cite

Meanings attributed by a group of adult women to the experience of facing a perinatal loss in adolescence. (2020). PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 4(7), 65-73.