Systematic review, Disaster Preparedness, COVID-19Abstract
The impacts of COVID-19 and the measures to control it plant a few more questions about disaster preparedness that encompasses the knowledge and capabilities developed by governments, organizations, communities and individuals to anticipate, respond to and recover from the impacts of probable, imminent disasters the current ones. This study aims to analyze the publications made between 2020 and 2021 on disaster preparedness in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it uses the Systematic Review, in such a way that it fits as multidisciplinary, covering, in particular, the areas of Human and Social Sciences, starting from a theoretical-conceptual set to respond to the proposed objective. The quality steps of the PRISMA-NMA method were followed, in such a way that 27 scientific articles published in the period from 2020 to 2021 were analyzed, with access to the full text, published in the area of human, social and multidisciplinary sciences, and whose research object is related to disaster preparedness. Of the 27 articles selected for this Systematic Review, 66.7 % make their inferences from a review of the literature, 70.4 % directly address issues related to public policy and only 7.4 % address issues related to health mental health of those involved in disasters. The mental health of people involved in disasters remains an underdeveloped topic in disaster preparedness studies. The formulation of public policies requires the ability to implement a coherent strategy to protect populations.
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