effective psychotherapy, combined treatments, severity and complexity, psychopathology, evidence based psychotherapyAbstract
ABSTRACT: There are currently a variety of effective psychotherapies for most psychopathological disorders. When the diagnosis implies severity and co-morbidity in the psychiatric symptomatology, the indication is combined treatment, medication and psychotherapy. This systematic review study aims to collect scientific articles on effective psychotherapies and/or combined treatments with patients with severity and comorbidity from the perspective of evidence-based practices. For this purpose, the PRISMA declaration principles and the PICOS criterion were applied. In a first search, 95 (N=95) articles were selected, of which 90% of the analysis units came from databases in Europe and the United States. Three other searches were carried out, the first one with the keywords "evidence-based psychotherapies and combined treatments", the second with "psychotherapy and medication" and the third with "evidence-based psychotherapy", of which 53 articles were selected (N= 53), excluding the findings of Europe and USA databases because they yielded too extensive results. It is noticeable the fact that in the more developed countries, there is a significantly greater presence of research studies on the efficacy and effectiveness of combined psychotherapies aimed at specific disorders, including severity and comorbidity, consistent with a greater availability of funding research in those areas. Given the high prevalence and high amount of suffering for patients and their significant others, the importance of disseminating this knowledge to improve the results of psychotherapies with these patients is highlighted
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