Business decisions of productivity and readjustment to the Argentine crisis 2018-2019. GRIMOLDI case

Keywords: Business, finance, debt, restructuring, crisis, strategies, crisis prevention procedure


The present case study of the Argentine company Grimoldi seeks to identify the factors, effects and causes of the restructuring decisions to which it is exposed to face the exchange and economic crisis. The study of the financial statements, press announcements, in-depth interviews with economic analysts, union representatives, delegates of the company committees and affected employees was used to generate this research. It is found that for economic reasons which significantly affected the consumption of goods such as footwear and clothing, the company was forced to make the difficult decision to reduce its structure in order to guarantee the economic viability of the company. Given the sharp decrease in labour not attributable to the company and taking into account that the restructuring of the workforce would affect more than 10% of the endowment, a Crisis Preventive Procedure (CPP) was initiated with the objective of agreeing with the unions involved a plan of adaptation to the macroeconomic context. The economic and exchange shocks in Argentina and its impact on the company Grimoldi offers a clear example of learning business, union and political strategies.


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Author Biography

Luis Eduardo Peñafiel Chang, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
Doctor en Economia de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. 


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How to Cite
Peñafiel Chang, L. E. (2020). Business decisions of productivity and readjustment to the Argentine crisis 2018-2019. GRIMOLDI case. Science Magazine Unemi, 13(32), 109-122.
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