Emotional well-being and meaningful learning through ICT in times of pandemic

Keywords: meaningful learning, well-being, digital competences, emotions, stress, pandemic


The emergence of covid-19 has generated social isolation that has led to changes in emotional states and educational practices. The purpose of the study was to identify emotional well-being and meaningful learning in secondary school students through ICTs in times of pandemic, in a public institution in Lima, Peru. The research is framed in the quantitative approach, descriptive exploratory research, with a transversal non-experimental design. A sample of 130 students of both genders was included, 52 males (40%) and 78 females (60%). The questionnaire was distributed and administered online. The results reflected a moderate and low level of emotional well-being in girls, boys obtained a moderately high level of emotional well-being management. Likewise, the acquisition of meaningful learning through ICT in students was moderately low, the tools used by teachers limited the use of other resources and attractive materials that will boost and awaken the desire to learn in the learner. It is therefore recommended to implement educational activities and actions that offer the opportunity to manage emotions and the development of meaningful learning through the use of ICT.


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How to Cite
Blanco, M. A., & Blanco, M. E. (2021). Emotional well-being and meaningful learning through ICT in times of pandemic. Science Magazine Unemi, 14(36), 21-33. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2528-7737vol14iss36.2021pp21-33p
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