Design of a drink based on Solanum betaceum Cav. (tree tomato) and husk of Theobroma cacao L (cocoa)

Nubia Matute-Castro1*, Mercedes Campo-Fernández1, Erik Vivanco-Carpio1, Wendy Escobar -Coello1, Verónica Bravo-Bravo1.

Keywords: Theobroma cacao L, Solanum betaceum Cav, cocoa husk, functional foods, functional beverage, phenolic compounds, DPPH


The search for sources of antioxidant substances, that could help prevent oxidative stress, is a challenge for the scientific community. Solanum betaceum Cav and Theobroma cacao L, are endemic raw materials from Ecuador, to which antioxidant properties associated, fundamentally, to its content in phenolic compounds have been attributed. The objective of this study was to design a tree tomato-based drink with cocoa husk to obtain a sensorially accepted food with antioxidant. The formulations to be evaluated were proposed by means a block design, considering as a response variable, the sensory acceptance and as independent variables three levels of cocoa husk and xanthan gum. The most widely accepted formulation sensory (I), managed to include 1% of cocoa husk powder with 0.05% stabilizer. The physical-chemical analysis of the best formulation showed a contribution of 5.64 mg of vitamin C and 72.6 mg of total phenols, equivalent to gallic acid for every 330 mL of juice. Its free radical scavenging capacity was 81% expressed as percentage of inhibition against free radical DPPH. The results suggest that this drink is a beneficial option for the consumer due to its antioxidant capacity.


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Author Biography

MSc. Nubia Lisbeth Matute., Universidad Técnica de Machala
Ingeniera en Alimentos Master en Ingeniería Alimentaria Docente Investigador-Universidad Técnica de Machala


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How to Cite
Matute., M. N. L., Campo Fernández, M., Vivanco Carpio, E. R., Escobar Coello, W. M., & Bravo Bravo, V. P. (2022). Design of a drink based on Solanum betaceum Cav. (tree tomato) and husk of Theobroma cacao L (cocoa) . Science Magazine Unemi, 15(40), 122-132.