• Carmen Elizabeth Balladares Sánchez Universidad Tecnológica Indoamericana
  • Santiago Javier Páliz Ibarra Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Matín Fernando Randi Proaño Universidad de las Américas
  • Christian Xavier Galarza Castro Universidad Estatal de Milagro
Keywords: Justice of peace, legal security, justices of peace, principle of equity


This research analyzes the lack of congruence between article 247 of the Organic Code of the Judicial Function and article 363 of the General Organic Code of Proceedings. While the former recognizes the equity resolutions issued by justices of the peace as enforceable judgments, the latter does not consider them as enforcement titles. This disparity could be generating a legal vacuum and jeopardizing the principle of legal certainty established in Article 82 of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador. In addition, the lack of clarity in the procedural norm prevents determining how the execution of these resolutions should be carried out, despite the fact that it is established that they should be executed as a judgment issued by the ordinary judicial system. The methodology focuses on the qualitative approach, in this way relevant information was extracted and above all jurisprudence that serves as support for the extract of the premises surrounding the discussion. It was concluded that justice of the peace procedures aim to avoid violations of fundamental principles such as legal security, effective access to justice and due process. If an authority issues a legal decision that is not complied with, the Ecuadorian legal system contemplates legal actions to enforce such decision. Key words: justice of the peace, legal security, justices of the peace, principle of equity.


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How to Cite
Balladares Sánchez , C. E., Páliz Ibarra, S. J., Randi Proaño, M. F., & Galarza Castro, C. X. (2024). THE ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS IN EQUITY OF THE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND LEGAL CERTAINTY. Science Magazine Unemi, 17(44), 80-90.
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