Green pharmacy: life alternative with a look at the world of clean technologies for our ecosystem


Nature provides therapeutic elements with incalculable benefits to establish a safe, effective and low cost medicine. However, the demand in the use, commercialization and manufacture of synthetic products is currently increasing. However, synthetic medicines do not always provide the safety and effectiveness for which they are administered, mainly influencing the counterproductive effects of irrational use. Therefore, the objective of this research is to describe the importance of the Green Pharmacy or Phytopharmacy, as a clean technology for the care of the ecosystem and to relate the factors associated with environmental pollution resulting from synthetic pharmacy. A research and descriptive methodology is adopted with reliable scientific information highlighting the benefits of phytopharmacy in relation to the environment. Drugs of chemical origin are considered a class of emerging pollutants for the environment, so it is concluded that phytopharmaceuticals are considered as the priority alternative with a focus on new views towards a clean world, projecting friendly solutions to the ecosystem and its interrelationship with humans.


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How to Cite
Mackliff-Jaramillo, C., Gutiérrez-Peralta, N., Espinoza-Correa, R., & Segura-Osorio, M. (2020). Green pharmacy: life alternative with a look at the world of clean technologies for our ecosystem. Science Magazine Unemi, 13(34), 72-83.
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