The teacher's role in psycho-pedagogical intervention with late clinical diagnosis of congenital childhood dyslexia

Keywords: congenital dyslexia, phoneme-grapheme, phonological, visual-spatial


Dyslexia is a neuropsychological disorder with a specific clinic characterized by difficulties in phonological processing and the mastery of the phoneme-grapheme relationship. It describes the clinical case of a 7-year-old female student with a history of delayed psychomotor development (first words at the age of 4 with slow learning and slow pace to learn new words). No significant data is detected to the physical examination, ocular fundus and normal visual acuity and negative electroencephalogram, so a brain MRI is requested where lower volume is seen in the left bit area with the Sylvian fissure asymmetry. With these findings, a neuropsychological evaluation diagnosing congenital dyslexia is conducted. It began with the literacy program two weekly sessions with phono-articulation exercises, phonological awareness and visual-spatial skills for 6 months achieving improvement in their learning. It is concluded that it is important to carry out an early neuropsychological evaluation, as well as to apply a treatment with multidisciplinary intervention to achieve successful learning in these schoolchildren through a program oriented towards phonological training, a dysfunctional aspect on which reading difficulty is maintained. The role of the teacher in the classroom is essential because he is the first to detect specific learning difficulties in the child, allowing to address their needs from the beginning, in order to offer additional support and specialized teaching that will contribute to improve their skills individually for efficient development of oral and written language.


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How to Cite
Mederos Mollineda, K., Escariz Borrego, L., Vargas Véliz, S., & Ron Vargas, M. E. (2021). The teacher’s role in psycho-pedagogical intervention with late clinical diagnosis of congenital childhood dyslexia. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 5(8), 16-21.