Relationship of pelvic imbalance and biomechanical alterations of the upper body

Keywords: biomechanical alterations, pelvic imbalance, scapula, non-structural scoliosis, functional semiological tests, postural tests


The purpose of this study is to assess the existence of the relationship between pelvic imbalance and biomechanical alterations of the upper body, which is also related to postural alteration. Therefore, it seeks to identify through physical, muscular and functional exploration, the biomechanical alterations present of the upper body in the academic and administrative staff of the Universidad Estatal de Milagro (UNEMI). The materials of this work were framed in the elaboration and application of clinical histories, postural tests, functional semiological tests, grid and Microsoft Word and Excel. The present research work is deductive in nature with a quantitative approach and descriptive scope, of non-experimental and transversal design. The sample that was considered to carry out the evaluations corresponds to 45 people who work in the institution. The results obtained show the presence of several biomechanical alterations where the projection of scapula stands out with 55% and the shoulder elevation assessed by the postural test yielding 60%, followed by non-structural scoliosis and all the alterations that it entails with 53%. In conclusion, the direct relationship of the pelvic imbalance and the biomechanical alterations of the upper train in the academic and administrative staff of the UNEMI is evident, which should be modified by performing a correct and early Physiotherapy protocol.


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How to Cite
Espinoza-Oviedo, E., Zapa-Cedeño, J., Bermúdez-Bermúdez, J., & Barreno-Padilla, B. (2022). Relationship of pelvic imbalance and biomechanical alterations of the upper body. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 6(10), 04-09.