Use of microsatellites in Rhodnius ecuadoriensis to determine population structure and migration patterns in Ecuador.

  • Juan Carlos Fernandez-Cadena UEES
  • Derly Madeliny Andrade-Molina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Understanding the migratory behavior of triatominae (insects) between wild environments towards inhabited áreas is crucial for avoiding the spread of Chagas disease. The DNA based markers show an advantage in developing this phenomenon, specifically microsatellite-based markers, which were initially developed to study Rhodnius pallescens and subsequently proved to be effective in Rhodnius ecuadoriensis. Its analysis is not only consistent with the evolutionary origin of the clina pallescens- colombiensis- ecuadoriensis, but it also allows observing patterns of migration in R. ecuadoriensis within the provinces of Ecuador. Human migration is directly related to that of the insects, this movement can be seen in the homogeneity that exists between the bugs found in Loja with those located in Manabí.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Fernandez-Cadena, UEES
Docente Investigador


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How to Cite
Fernandez-Cadena, J. C., & Andrade-Molina, D. M. (2019). Use of microsatellites in Rhodnius ecuadoriensis to determine population structure and migration patterns in Ecuador. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 2(3), 7-16.