Clinical consequences of the use of biopolymers as self-attention practices in the process of body transformation in transsexual persons.

  • Angie Ripalda
  • Adrián Loja
  • Lilian Víctor
  • Pedro Herrera
  • Pedro Freites


This study arose from the need to analyze the clinical consequences of the illegal application of biopolymers. Most of the research concerning the health of the trans population is related to sexually transmitted diseases; however, the clinical consequences of the use of fillings for body transforms of transsexual women have been little studied. Being this population the most affected because their sexual orientation they seek to improve their appearance or acceptance before the society. Since these substances are sold freely, they induce self-attention being a structural practice (present in every society) that when injecting the biopolymer into the body, it makes it more dangerous than an implant, producing different types of reactions at the time of its administration or with the passage of time. Its symptomatology corresponds to the pathology called Iatrogenic Alogenesis that often constitutes to the first level of medical attention and in other cases causing death. The objective of this research was to identify the level of knowledge of 22 transsexual women of an Ecuadorian community about the use of biopolymers. In addition, the main consequences of this practice were identified, based on literature reviews and case studies. The result showed little knowledge of biopolymers and the potential consequences on the body.


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How to Cite
Ripalda, A., Loja, A., Víctor, L., Herrera, P., & Freites, P. (2018). Clinical consequences of the use of biopolymers as self-attention practices in the process of body transformation in transsexual persons. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 2(2), 46-52.