Urinary tract infections as a risk factor for premature birth in pregnant adolescents.

  • María Mora-Vallejo Hospital General Martín Icaza, Babahoyo
  • Dena Peñaloza Hospital General Martín Icaza, Babahoyo
  • Carlos Pullupaxi Hospital General Martín Icaza, Babahoyo
  • Jorge Díaz-Rodríguez Hospital Dr. Federico Bolaños Moreira. Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) Milagro


The objective of this article is to promote the knowledge and application of good clinical practices in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infections in the urinary tract, among pregnant teenagers from 15 to 19 years and nurses from the first contact of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) of Milagro canton, identifying the types of genito-urinary infections more frequent that predispose to of preterm delivery risks. Urinary tract infections are a frequent pathology in pregnant teenagers, whose treatment on time have a high success rate and avoid consequences, such as the end of preterm pregnancy and the low birth weight of the baby. These complications can and should be corrected promptly, being important nursing intervention in the evolution of patients: assessment of vital signs, urine and culture cooperation in treatment, information and constant evaluation of patients. After an evaluation of urinary tract infection and subsequent treatment, they were observed until the end of pregnancy without reporting any complications during delivery. Nursing diagnoses were handled, with objectives to be followed in specific infections, which were carried out according to the presentation of the manifestations of the patients under study.


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Author Biography

Jorge Díaz-Rodríguez, Hospital Dr. Federico Bolaños Moreira. Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) Milagro
Licenciado en Enfermería


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How to Cite
Mora-Vallejo, M., Peñaloza, D., Pullupaxi, C., & Díaz-Rodríguez, J. (2019). Urinary tract infections as a risk factor for premature birth in pregnant adolescents. FACSALUD-UNEMI, 3(4), 26-35. https://doi.org/10.29076/issn.2602-8360vol3iss4.2019pp26-35p