Need for Cognitive Closure, Systematic Review, Spanish-speaking contextAbstract
Abstract: According to Kruglanski, the Need for Cognitive Closure delves deeply into the motivations for how and why individuals acquire knowledge. Numerous works carried out in South Korea, the United States, Italy and the Netherlands have studied this construct. Although there are studies in the Spanish-speaking context on the Need for Cognitive Closure, the contributions come from different environments. For this reason, this systematic review aims to bring together in an organized way the works on the construct done in the Spanish-speaking environment. For this purpose, a systematic search was carried out in the databases of: BASE, Dialnet, La Referencia, Redalyc and manually through Google Scholar. The results suggest an incipient growth in theoretical progress, having registered 25 quantitative articles of which only 15 correspond to publications in scientific journals and the remaining 10 articles correspond to conference presentations and theses. These results come from three countries: Argentina, Spain and Peru; presenting a greater elaboration of the construct in the last decade. This is why the present systematic review serves as a tool to understand how the variable manifests itself in these contexts.
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