Human Talent Management , contemporary skills , digital competencies , digital transformation , organizational adaptability , public sectorAbstract
In the current digital era, Human Talent Management (HTM) faces significant challenges that demand the development of contemporary skills, including digital competencies, to adapt to new organizational demands. This study examined these skills in the context of the city of Guaranda, Ecuador. The research employed a mixed approach with a descriptive cross-sectional design, involving 10 Human Talent Managers from different public institutions. For data collection, a structured questionnaire was used that addressed five key dimensions: familiarity with digital transformation, digital competencies in HTM, organizational adaptability, challenges in implementing digital technologies, and critical skills in HTM. The results evidenced the need to strengthen specific digital competencies as part of contemporary skills, promoting organizational adaptability and prioritizing an employee-centered approach, in order to achieve more effective talent management. This study can provide valuable insights for the development of training programs and improvement strategies in HTM in the public sector of Guaranda.
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