Growth and survival of juveniles of red tilapia with diets supplemented with vitamins C and E
growth in fish, Oreochromis, survival, tilapia, vitamin C and EAbstract
In order to evaluate the growth and survival of Tilapia they were supplied concentrate and supplemented with vitamins C and E., Sixteen aquariums were used, eache treatment with four replicates, and three fishes each one, for a total of 48 juveniles of both sexes with sizes between 11 cm and 16,5 cm. The treatments were: 1- Concentrated feed, 2- Concentrated feed supplemented with vitamin E (0.05 and 3- Feed supplemented with vitamin C (0.1 and 4- Feed supplemented with vitamins E (0.05 and C (0.1 The completely randomized design was used, the quantified variables were examined by analysis of variance and its values averages by Minimum Significant Difference test at 5% probability. The results for the variables of size (initial, final and won) did not show statistical differences between treatments, while if there were to the of mass (initial, final and won) where the treatment with concentrated feed and the addition of 0,1-0,05 g/kg., vit. C and E, showed the best results. Similarly, the growth rate and survival were favored in that treatment showing the highest values and differences statistically from the others. The combined addition of vitamins C and E increases the mass of the juveniles and provides the highest survival value in tilapia in captive conditions.
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