Somatizations and Functional Social Support perceived in the context of preventive and compulsory social isolation (ASPO) for Covid-19, in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Keywords: Functional Social Support, Somatizations, Covid19


The objective was to investigate whether there are significant relationships between perceived Functional Social Support and Somatizations in the context of preventive and compulsory social isolation (ASPO) by Covid-19. It was a descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional study. The SCL-90-R Inventory and the Duke-Unk-11 Functional Social Support Scale were used. In addition, labor factors, economic effects, exposure to news, search for information, among others, were investigated. With a sample of 497 subjects (Female = 329) between 18 and 80 years of age (Mean = 39.9), a negative relationship between social, confidential and affective support and somatizations was confirmed. Gender was the variable with the largest effect size on somatizations (.848) and phobic anxiety (.559), being female has a strong and moderate effect on these variables, respectively. Likewise, the greater the exposure to news about Covid-19, the greater the phobic anxiety. Those who saw their economic income reduced presented a higher level of somatizations and paranoid ideation, and a lower perception of social support. Finally, those who worked outside the home scored more in paranoid ideation and less in functional social support. It is concluded that when people perceive more support, they tend to present less discomfort in the current context.


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How to Cite
Caccia, P. A., De Grandis, M. C., & Perez, G. (2021). Somatizations and Functional Social Support perceived in the context of preventive and compulsory social isolation (ASPO) for Covid-19, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. PSICOLOGÍA UNEMI, 5(8), 8-18.